Columbia Vista Corporation sits on the banks of the Columbia River near Vancouver, Washington, and focuses on producing a consistent, high quality lumber product. The employees of Columbia Vista appreciate your visiting our web site and hope that you will become one of our many satisfied customers. If you are already a customer, we greatly appreciate your business. Please take a minute to enjoy the virtual tour.
All of our products are 100% Douglas fir. The mill is a short mill producing 8', 10' and 12' for domestic products, and up to 4.0 meters for export products. All products can be anti stain treated in our state of the art dip tank or kiln dried based on customer request...
Our environmental management plan calls for at least 65 % of all our open market log purchases to be from SFI , FSC or other certified forests. In 2004, over 90% of all logs met this criteria...
Virtual Tour
Columbia Vista Virtual Tour will show you each process of manufacturing in our facilities...